interim CEO or CFO assignments are
full time missions for a
3 to 6 months period.
In view of the scale of work involved and the scope of the problems, these missions are aimed at
groups or medium-size companies.
During these missions, the K2 MANAGERS interim CFO:
- Carries out a detailed analysis of the financial situation,
- Establishes an action plan,
- Implements this action plan under the supervision of a Partner
- Takeover of the financial management of an industrial group facing a cash-flow crisis.
Sector of activity: Foundry, metal machining, Turnover > €200M.
- Drawing up reliable cash-flow forecasts and a realistic business plan,
- Renegotiating the senior, social and tax debts as well as the lease credits,
- Support throughout the restructuring of the company which lead to the closing down of some sites and/or subsidiaries
- Creation of the CFO position for a spin-off.
Sector of activity: Outsourcing (car industry), Turnover > €30M.
- Implementing an autonomous mode of operation,
- Setting up bank and diverse advisory relations: legal, insurance, social…
- Adapting management skills and relevant information to meet the covenants required by a LBO operation
- Managing multidisciplinary teams and setting-up shared centres for the administrative and financial services.
Sector of activity: Public transport of passengers, turnover > €100M